Tag: Melrose Place

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Guillermo Paz onto Drama
Ashley Im really upset they cancled the show ...I watched tge old one snd I loved the new one ! Please consider bringing it back!!!
George Bring back Melrose Place Now!!
Guillermo Paz onto Drama
Eva Rendeiro Please dont cancell Melrose Place,love it just as much as The Vampire Diaries and 90210.
Darlene BRING BACK MELROSE PLACE ....The NEW series!!!!!!
Guillermo Paz onto Action
Shelbyseider I love smallvile so much!! I don't think it should get cancelled. People don't understand that it is starting from Clark the beging and working it's way up! It just takes time and if your a truesuperman fan than you would understand, only the peole who aren't wouldn't be able to understand!!
Lorna M Now I Hope that finally somebody in the entire world cancelled Smallville, seriosly I had 11 years old when Started and it was really interesting and i really enjoy see it ,i never miss a season until 5 season when I started to hate it . I was a fan. I was..................................... So how a fan chance the mind LOVE TO HATE . Smallville is since season 5 ,Simple boring and stupid .
