Casonia Logenberry...Please slow down and just be more thoughtful on the road and think about the children and Grandparents on the road..Come on!Slow down and think about all the Pregnant mothers driving as well..Every one who drives has some one who love
One life to live is saved and all is good with the world...Love the show and the Men are so cute and sexy and sweet and the woman are Beautiful and Tasteful and Smoking Hot and it has Drama and Trama and Action and always keeps you on your toes and...You never know what is going to happen?
Casonia logenberry...Wish Milli..Vanilli group was singing there songs again and that means the old singer that the producers though was not good enough to start off with...Old group who have the voice
One life to live is driving me crazy to some degree and often worry about Todd going back to jail and for 8 years this man has been without a woman and know he is playing head games and not attending to there needs? Frustration is key to why Blair often has to move on and cheat on him.