Tag: Cameron

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Guillermo Paz onto House MD, Spoilers
Guillermo Paz onto Actresses, House MD
Camillex3 AWESOOOOOME :D !!!!!!!!!!!
Tweets that mention House MD Spoiler: Cameron is back on House MD -- Topsy.com [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Series And TV, Series And TV. Series And TV said: House MD Spoiler: Cameron is back on House MD: - http://tinyurl.com/y9j68lm [...]
Guillermo Paz onto House MD
Series & TV » Blog Archive » Casting News: Jennifer… » Free Xbox 360 [...] post: Series & TV » Blog Archive » Casting News: Jennifer… Free copy of MW2, click here to find out [...]
Guillermo Paz onto Characters, House MD
Casonia sade Logenberry..Honk your Car to slow this crazy pushy aggressive drivers down..Fast and Driving close to your car and..it makes me feel Bummed Rushed...Alway be thoughful on the road.! Some relationships don't give what you put into it and some people are just so unfair and just take more then they give and when you get really tired of the relationship and ask for a Divorce? The person will not end the relationship and that is really unfair...Because it makes you feel trapped and it makes you feel like your in jail and it also forces you to be around this person for longer then you want and at that point some dislike comes into play and...Some people start hate of the other person and also kills the feelings for the other person completely...That is why people lose love for each other down the road.
xyz well cameron and house are the best players in the whole show writers didn't do well by moving out of the show if it is final that she will not return in later episodes even the relationship played by cuddy and house are not very intimate as it feels in cameron and house. if you watched the show carefully when house is with cameron it make the scene more real and intimate with their emotions. so even if they had kick off cameron for fews shows than it is normal but they have to bring back her because it seems that house is without cameron show feels unreal. it is not like that chase and cameron are too good in relationship but whatever be the relationship with house and cameron it is good and important for the show.
Guillermo Paz onto House MD, Spoilers
Mega House Spoiler: Chase and Cameron getting divorced | Divorce Information [...] post:  Mega House Spoiler: Chase and Cameron getting divorcedSHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "Mega House Spoiler: Chase and Cameron getting divorced", url: [...]
Guillermo Paz onto House MD, Spoilers
House MD Spoiler: Cameron is back on House MD [...] Some time ago we learned that Cameron left House MD, and even that she was leaving [...]
Mega It does not surprise me to see her leave. Seen other actors/resses get on a major movie (Star Trek) and consider themselves Gods before, even with a small part. It doesn't always work out for the best however (think of a Spiderman movie).
Guillermo Paz onto House MD, Spoilers
Guillermo Paz onto House MD, Spoilers
DreamCiig Wo!!! I think it's great to have the old team back together again... can't wait for season 6!!
NLP "the much loved Chameron wedding," That's a joke, right? Or is it sarcasm? Watching them get "married" was excruciating, especially considering the fact that they broke off their real-life engagement. Ick.
Guillermo Paz onto House MD, Spoilers
Series & TV » Blog Archive » Cameron and Cuddy have sex: The best Ausiello TV in a while! [...] there… instead of pushing the Chase and Cameron marriage tension due to an euthanasia episode; She tries to make Michael Ausiello say: Cameron and Cuddy have [...]
Guillermo Paz onto House MD, Spoilers, Videos
Series & TV » Blog Archive » You Tube Video of Chase and Cameron Wedding / House checking into Psych Hospital [...] In one of the most shocking House MD season finales ever… [...]
Series & TV » Blog Archive » Complete Recap and Spoilers of House MD Season Finale - Both Sides Now [...] House MD is a wow kind of show, right? and last night we saw Season Five Finale of House MD. [...]
