Tag: Flash Forward

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Katie Kale its been 2 years now that this show has been canceled. 2 weeks ago i started watching flash foward on netflix. i want to know if mark lived. what that meant in chariels flash foward. if janics baby is okay. if demetri goes to hawii or stays with janic and her baby. And most of all i want to see if demetri saw a flash forward. i really miss this show. and you could very well bring it back. i dont see why this show was canceled. theres not any more good shows on ABC if you can bring this back think of how many people will be happy. no body in there right mind should diss on this show!! please bring it back. its not to late!
Terrig Senga, I totally agree with you. I never watched Flash Forward because I was afraid I would get hooked and ABC would cancel it. ABC is always doing that and I'm sick of them. I did get hooked on V and am glad that it has been renewed. Desperate Housewives and Castle are the only ABC shows I now watch. After they get cancelled, I will never watch ABC again because they always cancel good shows and keep all the reality garbage on the air. I can't believe how many morons there are in this country that are keeping reality TV alive.
