Tag: Kourtney and Khloé Take Miami

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Guillermo Paz onto Reality Shows
Ryan_Seacrest_Is_A_Homo This entire stupid family is a train wreck. There isn't one complete brain cell in that whole f*cked up hot-mess household. Poor Mason is COMPLETELY screwed. His mother is living in the state of denial and his so-called father is a booze chasing, sl*t screwing moron. By the way, is Ryan picking out his clothes? Scott dresses like a f*g. I truly wish that the Kardashians would just go back to making golden shower porno's. That's about all they are good for. Suck it Kardashians!
Kourtney Gives Khloe a Brazillian Wax | Spa Week Daily [...] Video Courtesy of Styleite Image Courtesy of Series & TV [...]
