Tag: Showtime Documentary

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Guillermo Paz onto Documentary
Casonia Sade Logenberry wants everyone in this world to enjoy another day of life and freedom and love and peace of mind and take time to stop and smell the roses...Lovely day okay! I have lost over 100 friends to this disease and even had a cold heartless sister...who did not give a dam and went out and gave people the disease...Heartless people who are creeps and evil are still killing people but HOLLYWOOD YOU CAN DO A GOOD THING AND SAVE LIVES.
Casonia Sade Logenberry wants everyone in this world to enjoy another day of life and freedom and love and peace of mind and take time to stop and smell the roses...Lovely day okay! Too many woman on talk shows don't know...Who the Daddy and that means this woman are not practiceing safe sex and aids herps and other diseases apply.
