Casonia sade logenberry Dear Policeman and Woman...I still see drivers talking on the phone when they get off from work and that is between 5pm until 7pm and that is a great time to bust there butt again.
Makes a parent proud to feed that child that passion for learning and at the same time a role model for brothers and sisters and other children as well but goal have to be reached and younger people are born every day and they are the youth of the future and it is a blessing and a gift to the world and most of all thanks for reading this and hope every one understands!
Casonia sade logenberry Dear Policeman and Woman...I still see drivers talking on the phone when they get off from work and that is between 5pm until 7pm and that is a great time to bust there butt again.
Children are the back bone of america and they are the bright future of tomorrow and a true blue blessing and they are the little that will take over this earth...Long after we are gone and children need to learn to help are future go to the next level and any child that gets an award is making there parent proud and bringing joy to there friends and love ones but it is a bright light toward the future and makes people believe and makes others want to go in that Healthy direction in life and learning is key but on the other hand learning leads to making the future better and creates a better life for others as well.