We are reviewing the Complete List of Academy Awards Oscar winners of 2011

Beatuy Amy Adams and Jake Gyllenhall on stage to present documentary short awards.

Oscar for Best Documentary Short!

Where the Nominees are:

Oscar 2010 Best documentary Short Nominees

Killing in the Name (2010): Jed Rothstein
Poster Girl (2010): Sara Nesson, Mitchell Block
Strangers No More (2010): Karen Goodman, Kirk Simon
Sun Come Up (2010): Jennifer Redfearn, Tim Metzger
The Warriors of Qiugang (2010): Ruby Yang, Thomas Lennon

And the Winner is Strangers No More by Karen Goodman and Kirk Simon.

Are you happy that Kirk Simon and Karen Goodman won the Oscar for Best Documentary Short for Strangers no More?

Let me know in the comments section. And remember to follow me on Twitter for more Oscar Awards Winners info.

