“Late Night with Jimmy Fallon” made its broadcast debut on March 2, 2009, as “Saturday Night Live” alum Jimmy Fallon became the third host of the NBC comedy-talk franchise. The show serves as a platform for comedy, music and A-list talent out of NBC’s Rockefeller Center Studio 6B.
Last night was no exception. It featured two great interviews of Jennifer Connelly and Jerry O´Connell and the musical performance of Tom Tom Club.
Jimmy welcomed the outstanding Jennifer Connelly and Jerry O’Connell to the show last night and The Late Night game was Doll Posin´.
In this video recap we´ve prepared, you can check everything out
Jennifer Connelly Interview on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon 1/11/2011
Jennifer tells Jimmy about Italy, a country he’s never visited, and about her role in ‘The Dilemma.’
Jerry O´Connell Interview on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon 1/11/2011
Jerry flexes his ‘Late Night’ show knowledge and tells a funny tale from the set of his show, ‘The Defenders.’
Tom Tom Club musical performance on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon 1/11/2011 – Wordy Rappinghood
The band Tom Tom Club performs ‘Wordy Rappinghood’ at late Night!
Doll Posin´- Late Night with Jimmy Fallon game 1/11/2011
Contestants get a 5-second look at a doll and then have 30 seconds to recreate the doll pose.
What did you think about Late Night with Jimmy Fallon featuring Jennifer Connelly, Jerry O´Connell and the musical performance by Tom Tom Club? Let me know your thoughts in the comments section.
Also, remember to follow me on Twitter for more Late Night Show scoop.
Photo Credit: Lloyd Bishop/NBC.