mike-and-molly-recap-quotes-photos-mike-goes-to-the-operaToday is the first day of Originals in 2011! That´s good news. We already saw the review and quotes from How I Met Your Mother Bad News episode, and now t´s time for Mike and Molly.

When Mike falls ill during a night out with Molly at the opera, Mike’s mom and Molly clash over who can take better care of him.

Best Quotes from Mike & Molly S01E13 – Mike Goes to The Opera

Samuel: Oh! Are we slimming down for the swimsuit competition?
Mike: Do you realize I have a gun?
Samuel: I am from Africa. The dogs have guns

Carl: Don´t get me started on his bellybutton. He digs in it like it has money in the bottom.

Mike: I need to know where to run, I need to know where to hide, I need to know where to pee.

Mike: God, where´s John Booth when you need him?

Molly: Are you enjoying it?
Mike: It´s magical

Molly: You have the fever
Mike: Yeah, the Opera Fever Yoo-hoo!

Mike: I still get credit for the full three hours, right?

Peggy: It was like nursing a beaver

Peggy: What? She´s a grown woman. She knows you poop and vomit

Peggy: He was using coffe filters for toilet papers. I don´t know what he was using as coffee filters

Molly: You better sleep with one eye open, old woman

What did you think of Mike and Molly Mike goes to the Opera? Let me know in the comments section. Also, remember to follow me on Twitter for more scoop and spoilers on Mike and Molly.

