Update: Winner is announced: Jenavive. I sent you a direct mail, please check your mail and answer me there. Congratulations!

royal-pains-contest-giveaway-prizeIf you follow this site long enough, you´ll already know my favourite network, or as I call it: “The can´t miss network” USA sent me some stuff about one of its flagships: Royal Pains. Since I am just that crazy, I´ll give it away to you, my readers!

The Approximate retail value for this prize pack if you were to buy it at the NBC Universal Store is 145 dollars.

What is included in the Royal Pains Prize Pack I´m giving away you ask?

– A Royal Pains Custom Nylon Bag valued in 10 dollars.
– Season 1 & 2 DVD´s valued in 75 dollars.
– The Royal Pains Book valued in 8 dollars.
– Sun Protection we could call Hampton’s valued in 35 dollars.
– A USA Summer Tee valued in 15 dollars
– USA 10-City Summer Guide

How to Enter this Royal Pains Contest?

It´s actually quite easy. You need to watch this Wednesday´s episode (August 3rd) and then tell me in a comment(Make sure you put a valid e-mail address in the form):

– Who is the Guest Star?

– Where have we seen him/her before?

– What happened to him/her on the Royal Pains?

– Did you like the episode or not?

Simple, right?

This Series and TV Royal Pains contest giveaway will be up and running up until August 12th, 2011. So make sure you are in it!

You can also follow me on Twitter for more Contest and Giveaway Opportunities.

Oh, and by the way, you can also enter Necessary Roughness contest too.

