alex-wagner-trugmanOk, so, we are still on Hollywood Week of American Idol Season 8.

Group night was devastating, but over a hundred contestants are still through. Some of them were shown in this week´s recaps, some of them weren´t.

Some of them made it through, some of the ones with more TV air fell along the way, like Katrina Darrell.

Now, it´s time we, here at Series and TV, check out the so far front runners, and at least American Idol Hollywood hopefuls for another shot.

Alex Wagner-Trugman, 19 years old is rumored to have made it into the top 36 contestants on FOX’s “American Idol 8.” Alex Wagner-Trugman auditioned in Phoenix, Arizona. Alex Wagner-Trugman sang “Baby Come to Me” by James Ingram for his audition. All the judges except Simon Cowell voted to send Alex Wagner-Trugman to Hollywood.

Alex Wagner-Trugman used to sing in his closet to avoid bothering the rest of his family until he got sick from all the mold in there. Alex Wagner-Trugman is a college student from Studio City, California.

You can check Alex Wagner Trugman presentation video

Or you can check Alex Wagner Trugman audition video

