We are reviewing all the cancelled shows and renewed shows of the season.
Lifetime has announced the renewal of Army Wives for a fifth season.
The ABC Studios produced show is giving Lifetime solid numbers so it was an expected move by the network.
Lifetime renewal order on Army Wives consists on 13 episodes to be aires during 2011.
Army Wives is an American drama series that follows the lives of four army wives, their families, and an army husband whose wife is in the army. The series premiered on Lifetime on June 3, 2007. The show had the largest series premiere in Lifetime’s 23-year history, and the largest viewership in the 10:00 pm to 11:00 pm time slot since December for Lifetime.
The second season premiered on Lifetime in the United States on Sunday, June 8, 2008, and had 19 episodes. Season three began airing in June 2009.
In February 2009, Lifetime announced that Army Wives was renewed for a fourth season of the series. Army Wives kicked off its 18-episode fourth season on Sunday, April 11, 2010. On September 23, 2010, it was announced the Army Wives was renewed for a thirteen episode fifth season in 2011.
What do you think? Are you happy Army Wives got renewed by Lifetime for a fifth season?
Head to the comments section and let me know.
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Yes, I am excited that army wives is returning. It is one of my favorite shows. Only disappointed that they approved 13 episodes.
Thank you for renewing Army Wives
I can’t wait to have it return to lifetime! It is one of my favorite shows, when will it return?????
Can’t believe you even cancelled it! Can’t wait for it’s return…. When????
Please dont cancel this show….I love it so much when does the new season start?
Not a big fan of Army Wives anymore, I used to watch it faithfully. Nothing but another CSI, Law and Order or the like. It seems to focus now on the careers of the women and not life as an “Army Wife” Some of my friends and I have tried watching the previous season, but severly lost interest. I think the show will probably be cancelled in about a year, once the viewers wake up.
When/is there a new season of ARMY WIVES? This is my favorite show and I miss it soooo…. Please renew and bring it back.
I can not believe you keep Army Wives off the air for so long then come back with 13 episodes,yet you keep boring us with Kate plus eight GIVE ME A BREAK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MORE ARMY WIVES PLEASE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LOVE ARMY WIVES and it helps with those that live the life to relate to a show like this. One of the BEST shows lifetimes got on air. Can’t wait for the new season when does it start upstate ny?
Love Army Wives! One of the best shows on TV. If it’s not broke don’t fix it! Thanks for another season.
I love Army wives. I have been watching it since it started and will continue to as long as it is on. LOVE IT!!!
Army Wives is my absolute favorite show on television…I live for each episode. One of the best/most realistic shows on television. I personally hope that it never ends. Love all the actors, their story lines, all of it. Thank you Lifetime for a spectacular show.
Absolutely love Army wives, the actors, the story lines, all of it. Please do not ever let it end.
Soooooooo happy Army Wives is coming back!!!! I love this show and have missed it sooo much! Thank you Lifetime! I hope you continue to have season 6,7,8,9 well you get the idea!
Thank you for bringing back Army Wives, It is one of my favorite shows. I can’t believe though that there are only 13 episodes but I will take it. PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE keep the episodes coming. I am lost on Sundays without them. We have to go so long without seeing the show.
army wives is just one of the main reasons i watch anything. it is something i look forward to each week. bout the only show me and my husband will agree on watching together. hope it stays on several more years.
I am so glad Army Wives is coming back this year for 2011, it is my favorite show on Lifetime and can not believe it is only runnng with 13 episodes, what is wrong?
Golden Girls and Army Wives are a true capture of life as an Army wife. You never see any of the housewife show vaccuum floors, laundry, picking up cleaning or carpooling. Where are the kids? Where is the house? Do you know what a housewife is? Have to go, I must get dinner.
Real one that works!
My husband likes Army Wives and Golden Girls. There are not many shows that I will watch. I love the channel that plays old television shows, TV Land. Sorry, I am from the old school.
thank you for renewing army wives..i look forward to watching the new season..i haven’t missed an episode so far. my work starts at 5am on mondays but that dosen’t keep me from staying up tp 2300..as you watch you become attached to each character and what they are going through..thank you for allowing me something to look forward too.
thank you for bring army wivies back
I am so excited that “Army Wives” was renewed for season five in 2011! Thank you so very much for bringing it back!
When is season 5 starting for “Army Wives”? Could you give us a date please! Thank you!
Why only 13 episodes? I love Army wives. It is one of best shows on TV. Please make more episodes.
When is the new season for 2011 going to start. All of my friends love Army wives.
Soon enough. I´ll be posting it on my spring calendar, since the show is starting after the winter ends.
Mek sure to subscribe or follow on twitter son you get the notice
Yes thrilled that it has been renewed for another season. Why only 13 episodes? Pleasse make more. I have been a faithful floower of the show since it debuted. I cant wait for Sunday to come to watch the show. When will it star for 2011?
Very excited it has been renewed. It is a great show and I look forward to watching it every Sunday evening. Why only 13 episodes? Since it is so popular don’t know why there was a question as to renew it or not. Please keep it going. Wonderful show!!!!
LOVE!LOVE!LOVE!LOVE!ARMY WIVES. I recently started watching and I’m hooked. Pls don’t cancel it.
Thank you for returning Army Wives. It is one of the best shows on Lifetime. I always looked forward to watching it on Sunday evenings. It was a great way to end my weekend. Since it’s been off, I’ve had nothing to do with my Sunday evenings. I’m really looking forward to the new season.
yes im a huge fan of Army Wives. why only 13 episodes? dont cancel aw it is the only show on that is worth watching. will there be a season 6?
I love army wifes so happy it came back. I never miss an show. I even love the things that the cast of the show does for the real solders and their familes. They done so much for the familys. That what makes it a great show because it just isn’t a show but they give back to solders and their familys.
I love Army Wives and can’t wait to see its return. Sundays are not the same with it. Lifetime is not the same without it. Hurry back Army Wives!
Army Wives is one of my most favorite T.V. shows. It really has a story behind it that touches ones heart unlike some of those “Stupid” sitcoms that seems to get all the ratings. I can’t see a thing funny about them.