UPDATE: Things don´t look good as to ABC picking up New Adventures of Old Christine.
We are reviewing all the cancelled shows and renewed shows of the season.
And CBS had its own bloodbath.
CBS cancelled The New Adventures of Old Christine.
The New Adventures of Old Christine cancellation by CBS came in the middle of some huge renewals and cancellation news: Chuck got renewed by NBC, Heroes is getting cancelled, Law & Order cancellation, One Tree Hill renewal, Life Unexpected renewal, V renewal by ABC, Romantically Challenged cancellation, Better Off Ted cancellation, Flash Forward cancellation, Mercy Cancellation, The Wanda Sykes Show cancellation, Trauma cancellation, Law & Order SVU renewal, Cold Case cancellation, Miami Medical Cancellation, Numbers cancellation, Ghost Whisperer cancellation, Medium renewal, Melrose Place cancellation, so…
The New Adventures of Old Christine gets cancelled and it´s somewhat a shocker, since it seemed a solid fit.
What do you think? Are you sad The New Adventures of Old Christine got cancelled by CBS?
There´s still a glimpse of hope since there is fifty fifty on the fence chance of ABC rescuing The New Adventures of Old Christine.
[…] The New Adventures of Old Christine cancelled by CBS (Confirmed) […]
Please ABC…..if CBS is that stupid to let such a good show fall through the cracks. You won’t be disappointed if you pick this show up. I know there are a more fans out there…so speak up. Just in case you haven’t checked the new CBS line-up SUCKS! If it weren’t for “The Big Bang Theory” I wouldn’t even watch that network. Sorry Christine 🙁
The decision process is mysterious. We must be odd, since we often think of shows as our preferred
watches our often cancelled. Christine was a unique show, like Applegate’s. The themes are not tired and offer new opportunities to explore situations with humorous appeal. There is enough blood and guts shows that a little fresh appeal of theme should foster a bit more tolerance. As to good actors in tired roles, well these shows should never have been aired to begin with. Who was the sample or should I say “simple”, test market?
This show is one of the best on air. I know more than 300+ people that watch this show. It just started a new plot with her going back to school and the possibility of her getting remarried. Two and a half men should have been cancelled. It has lost it’s appeal and it is the same crap over and over. The shows CBS start this fall will not go well. I rearranged my college classes just so I wouldn’t miss the class. CBS you are making a huge mistake!!!
Sorry to the cast of Christine!
I can’t believe they would cancel an exceptionally well written comedy series like this and save Rules of Engagement. I have been talking to everyone I know and we have yet to know anyone that actually watches RofE. And don’t get me started on Two and a Half Men. That show was sooo old at least 3 years ago. Julia Louis-Dreyfus is one of the most talented comedians on t.v. today and she shines with all the rest of the group. They are all hilarious and I think it represents a dynamic that many people are afraid to see. That people that are divorced and single are not sad and depressed all the time. Broken and mixed families can be funny and still get along and live a happy life. I looked forward to her show every week and I really hope that someone grabs this show while they still can. This show has been a subject of hilarious anecdotes for me and my friends for quite some time and I would hate to see that end.
What Idiots at CBS. They should have gotten rid of 2 1/2 men that show sucked from day one and Charlie Sheen is a druged up moron. What great entertainment a drunken womanizing jerk influencing his nephew. Trash TV for morons. Christine made me laugh out loud every episode at least once and the roles were played to the T. Everything fit in that show. CBS can’t handle having good shows with female leads. Christine had Karma and was just plain silly. Just the thing for world weary and reality show weary people to just sit back and laugh at silly confused dysfunctional people with no news related issues. Pure wonderfull escapeism. Jerk that crap survivor as well. God I’m sick of the networks. ABC GET SMART AND PICK UP THIS SHOW it is certainly better than anything else you have.
You suck CBS. Like I’ve already said about getting rid of Gary Unmarried, move up the time slot and they’ll get better ratings. Christine is a GREAT show. Other than this show and a few others I rarely even watch this channel anymore.
Cancelling The New Adnventures of Old Christine is a HUGE mistake! It was, by far, the funniest show on tv. I hope CBS does pick it up and it continues to be nominated for even more emmys.
Cancelling Gary Unmarried was a stupid mistake too.
Once again CBS has cancelled all the shows that I watch and appears to be replacing them with nothing. How do you cancel arguably two of your best sitcoms: Gary Unmarried and New Adventures of Old Christine. CBS must be trying to finish last. I hope CBS reconsiders these cancellations and bring them back mid-season.
I am so disappointed by this news. It also sad to see the little guy have to suffer because some corporate morons do not know how to read numbers. This show was obviously one of the more successful ones and as many are saying one of the only cbs shows they watched. I don’t even understand what the reason behind it could be. Anything that is new and fresh and that people can related to is disliked. Maybe it is because Christine (and Gary Unmarried) were not married and did not fit in with the married group of cbs (just like in the show). How sad. I hope a REAL station picks it up so they can experience the success of a fan adored and industry approved popular show! I am done with cbs.
Wow!! Im in shock! This show is the funniest one I have seen on tv in a very long time and I think the decision to cancel it would be a very bad one! I would very much miss it and I know many other people that would as well! Please reconsider!
This is a link to complain to CBS about the great shows they cancelled.It says they read every message,so lets all get the word out!
CBS sucks anyway, but with new adventures, it was at on at my house. I LOVE Julia- Louis Dreyfus and I hop and pray that she gets a chance to shine somewhere else real soon. CBS sucks!!!
Another great move CBS. Hey, I have an idea: fire your idiotic Execs!!! I have a better idea, just shut down your network and run old Fantasy Island reruns. You guys really need to listen to the shows fans or shutdown your network!!! Funny show & Julia-Louis was funny as heck.
This made my week this show!! how can you cancel it. Not a good move. Everybody needs a good shows with great laughs. THis was it.
This is wasthe funniest show on tv, old christine is hysterical, this show was laugh out loud funny and I know a ton of people who watched it. big mistake cancelling this one!!!!
I, along with so many of my friends and family, loved the “New Adventures of Old Christine” and “Gary Unmarried”. How disappointing that such funny and original shows are pulled from the lineup. What does it take to keep a show on the air? Evidently a wildly successful formula with a great cast isn’t the answer.
Apparently CBS has so many excellent sitcoms they can afford to cancel an exceptional one like The New Adventures of Old Christine. I do miss the laughter.
why would u do this ur idiots..that show was great its better than half of the other stupid show u got on there ur a bunch of a holes
This show was so funny. I kept looking at the demand feature trying to find what I thought I missed. CBS please bring it back! You have so many other shows that don’t light a candle to this one.
one of the top three shows on TV !!!! there is nothing else on your network that I watch… or ever will watch again!
I went looking to see how soon The new adventures of old Christine was returning and I’m shocked to see you have Cancelled it. Are you serious! Not only is it my favorite show…but the casting was ingenious. The chemistry among the actors was over the top. The only one I would have let go was TOM..or Tim..or Todd…or whatever his name was…the one who was Christines old classmate…this show was definitely a “water cooler” favorite. Goes to show, not all people are bright in hollywood(CBS)…or whereever. Don’t you like true quirkiness? And explain the cancellation of Joan of Arcadia…also a great show. They both are DIFFERENT !!!
Gary Unmarried and Christine were the best shows on TV!! What is wrong with the network that they would cancel the best shows. There are a lot of bad shows on that should not be.PLEASE BRING THEM BACK!!
The best show “The New Adventures of Old Christine” ever….. canceled????? I can’t believe it!!!! I don’t ever sit down to watch anything else…. I would wait all week for my half hour of complete laughter. I’ve waited all summer to realize the stupid ridiculous shows that premier this fall and to leave this one behind! BOOOOOOOOOOO for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And Boo Hoo for me I guess.
what is it? did u need more time for crappy reality shows!
our whole family enjoyed the show and julia and the cast helps with stress relief-laughter is the best medicine.
whoever makes these decisions to end great comedy sitcoms, needs a career change or a lobotomy.
Seriously…cancelled? Such a great show that women, single women especially, can relate to. Julia Louis Drefus was made for that part. There are so many awful shows on CBS! Whomever made the decision to cancel that show, as well as Samantha Who (another great show single women can relate to). Why not put these great shows on a great day and in a great timeslot before they are cancelled? How do you keep your job making such stupid decisions?
I want christine back!!!best show on tv
I can’t believe Gary Unmarried and Old Christine were both cancelled…they were my two fave sitcoms on tv and were both hilarious!!!! Very sad. Now I have to watch reality crap like hoarders because there’s nothing else on….pathetic!!!!!
Ack, I’m slow to the uptake! I kept waiting for Christine to come back — and really irritated it won’t be! This is one of the best comedies to come around in ages. It’s smart, quirky, laugh-out-loud brilliant! That CBS would let this go and bring on something lame like Mike & Molly (snooze fest full of hackneyed stereotypes imo) makes no sense. Thank goodness for reruns!
What is wrong with you people!!!! Why are you canceling Christine?
That show is sooooo funny. Please bring it back!
CBS must be loosing a screw!! The new adventures of old Christine is hands down my favourite comedy on tv. CBS- you need to seriously review this decision! ABC, please pick up this show if it really is cancelled- you won’t be sorry.
Seriously, I feel like I would just stop watching CBS all together!!
I loved this show, and it needs to come back. They cancle this really good show and keep How I Met Your Mother??? Good thing I’m getting a e-reader for Xmas, because it sounds like I’ll be cancling my cable and leaving my TV off.
i cant believe they cancelled the new adventures of old christine. i loved that show i watch all the reruns.thank god for reruns then!!!.they cancel the good shows but leave on survivor and glee. some shows shouldnt even make it to air. we need to stop watching cbs!!!
I was very disappointed to find that The New Adventures of Old Christine had been cancelled. I loved the show as I looked forward to watching it EVERY WEEK!! The show brought many laughs to our home. PLEASE BRING THE SHOW BACK!!
I am so upset The New Adventures of Old Christine was cancelled. I have just recently discovered this show and am very sad I will not be able to see new episodes. This show is originial and humorus, unlike many of the T.V. series shown. Thank you Lifetime for showing re-runs!
I was late in finding the show, and just watched the last couple of seasons but I went online to try to find out when The New Adventures of Old Christine was going to come back on, only to be really disappointed to find that it’s cancelled. I loved this show! I am so sad that I won’t be able to see new episodes…but I do watch the reruns and still crack up at ones that I’ve seen. CBS execs are horrible!
PLEASE DO NOT CANCEL THIS SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It one of the best shows!!!!!!!!
Alway liked this show, been watching it in reruns lately and this show is hillarious, ABC you should really pic this show up.
out of every tv show i have ever watched i fell in love with old christine, it made me laugh every show and couldnt wait to see a new show every week.
and i also loved my name is earl and ghost whisperer and gary unmarried, all light hearted funny comedy (except ghost whisperer which made me cry alot lol)
i now feel like there is no point in getting into all these new shows on tv because they just seem to take them away when u are very much involed in there story lines and look forward each week to watching them.
shame on them for taking them away and why not do some more looking into who is watching these shows each week cause i cant be the only fan.
im in australia.
shame on u people killing my faveroite shows :(( come on abc pick up old christine
I can’t believe that would cancel such a great show!!! Thank God for the reruns but watching them makes me even angrier than CBS took Old Christine off!! There are very few shows right now that make me laugh like this one. I agree with others about Two and a Half Men. It’s really gone down the tubes and their idea of humor is drunk jokes, mastur-bating, farting and Charlie complaining about Alan living with him. It’s getting old FAST! CBS needs to stop paying so much attention to Charlie Sheen and start paying attention to it’s viewers opinions.
Our entire family is SO disappointed that The New Adventures of Old Christine was cancelled- there are so few truly funny comedies left!!
SO TICKED THEY CANCELLED The New Adventures of Old Christine. UGH I love that show, she is hilarious. I don’t get it!!!
Please bring The New Adventures of Old Christine back. I am so dissappointed. I have been watching the reruns waiting for the new season but it never happened. So disappointed. I thought it was the funniest show I had seen in a very long time.
Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease bring back Christine. This is the best tv comedy EVER! It is so refreshing to watch television and laugh rather than investigate homicides or mindlessly channel surf – making sure to avoid the reality idiocracy!!
I am very upset “The New Adventures of Old Christine” has been cancelled. They keep cancelling really great shows. I hope another network picks it up. I only discovered the show about 6 months ago and have Tivo’d and seen all the episodes that were available. I think alot of people are in my category. I would definitely watch it in primetime if it were picked up. My Name is Earl was cancelled and I found it right after cancellation as well. Was so disappointed that it was cancelled as well. I’m not sure who cancels these shows, but they are not living in the “real world”. But alas, many are not and just don’t seem to have a clue. Many shows are not found till reruns, then you eagarly await the next season only to find they have been replaced. I heard that “Mike and Molly” was such a good show. I watched it. It does not compare to either of the two shows mentioned above. The subject matter and language of the one episode I’ve seen so far was appalling for 8:30 P.M. How can any person even hope to sit down and watch this if there are any kids around, nothing is left to the imagination, nothing to “go over” the children’s heads. Just blatant foul language and subject matter for primetime. How can a show like this be just starting out and something like My Name is Earl and The New Adventures of Old Christine be cancelled?
because my name is earl was a horrible show.
Please please bring back this show! I miss it so much.
New Adventures of Old Christine is one of the fastest half-hours of television out there.It is just great and I’m sorry to see it was canceled.Don’t know how it made the cut with all the horrible stuff out there.
Hope someone brings it back!
Please re-think the cancellation of “The New adventures of Old Christine” It is hilarious !! Something that was as funny as Seinfield!!!
I really can’t understand CBS. I can’t tell you how many shows have been cancelled that we watch. Pretty much all of our favorite shows are on CBS. I really wish it weren’t true. I don’t know who makes the decisions over there, but really? I think CBS needs to reorganize their staff. It really is starting to feel like they do it on purpose. Every time I turn around ther e is yet another one cancelled. Is this a joke? Not very good judgement in my opinion. Any my opinion should count because I am the viewer!
The New Adventures of Old Christine is one of the funniest shows ever on TV and I’ve been around awhile. Why are we left with such crap on TV and having the good shows taken off the air. It oesn’t make sense to me. I watch the reruns repeatedly and still laugh at the same jokes. All of the actors are stupendous!!!! Please put them back on the air!!!
Please bring back The New Adventures Of Old Christine. I watch it everyday on Lifetime and it is their #1 show. It is so funny. It is one of the funniest shows ever on television! CBS, bring it back. 8.3 million viewers are waiting. Having such a funny show that has won awards is in your favor.
The New Adventures Of Old Christine deserves another season. It is a hit in syndication and wins it’s time slot. It is also a hit on twitter and facebook. Twitter has daily Christine sayings!
I do miss The New Adventures of Old Christine. It is a very funny show without being cheesy or raunchy like some shows that I could mention (Two and a Half Men)!
Just look at all the comments below me and read what they wrote because i too agree with every word of it. it was a great show. h-i-l-a-r-i-o-u-s. please ABC, come rescue christine!