clutter-rehab-book-reviewIn yet another book review of a book from Ulysses Press I´m now onto Clutter Rehab by Laura Wittmann, a Canadian blogger who manages “I´m an organizing junkie” in which she promotes a neat house for an organized and simple life. I have to say I “met” the blog through the book, and they are both interesting, with useful ideas and tips on how to declutter your home, some design tips and all.

The book is pocket sized with short texts and articles.
What´s best about it is that it is actually easy to follow and mostly either cheap or free to do it.

Even though I am quite far away from an organizing junkie myself, I have to admit that I succeeded in implementing 13 of the 101 tips either for myself or my girlfriend´s stuff.

I would specially recommend this book for people who lives on small apartments or anyone who has limited space at home. It is not a book that you´ll read all at once as if you were reading Harry Potter or a Dan Brown book, but rather one that you´ll have as a go to guide for tips every now and then, but once you find which are the ones that best work for you, you´ll realize it was well worth it.

Book Info

Publisher: Ulysses Press
Pages: 128
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1569758638
ISBN-13: 978-1569758632

How to Buy Clutter Rehab?

Visit this Amazon link.

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