
Bing, Microsoft´s new Search Engine is everything everyone´s talking about, and since I had to do it, I may as well post it so whoever else needs to do it, doesn´t have to go all the trouble of surfing through Bing´s Help

You can send your site web address so it is listed in Bing index. Generally you don´t need to send your URL so MSNBot the BingBot; however, if you search for your site pages on Bing, and they don´t show, you may send your website to Bing.

Sending your website to Bing does not guarantee your site´ll be indexed, but helps MSNBot (BingBot) find it so it tries to crawl it. MSNBot (BingBot) does not crawl secondary URLs of your site. If you want Bing to crawl your site secondary URLs, you should ping Bing.

You should Submit your site to Bing here, and after filling your Submission Form to Ping, your site will be pinged to Bing, and then wait until your site is listed.

Is your site listed in Bing? Did you ping to Bing?

