iowa-caucus-current-coverage-politically-directCurrent TV is a political coverage network, founded 6 years ago by Al Gore and Joel Hyatt. What I like about the network is that they speak their minds no matter what. I can agree or disagree with what they say, as so can you. But it is certainly refreshing to see the passion in the arguments.
Well, since this evening´s Iowa caucuses and there´s also the upcoming New Hampshire Primary, Current has a couple of shows prepared:

Tonight, Tuesday, January 3rd at 7pm EST, Politically Direct 2012: 2012 Iowa Caucus will air live on Current TV and include four hours of  live coverage of the caucuses featuring  commentary and analysis from former Vice President and Current TV co-founder Al Gore, “The Young Turks with Cenk Uygur” host  Cenk Uygur, and former Michigan Governor and host of the upcoming week-nightly program “The War Room with Jennifer Granholm,” (premiering in January) Jennifer Granholm.
Politically Direct 2012: 2012 New Hampshire Primary will air live on Tuesday, January 10th at 7pm EST which will also include four hours of live coverage of the New Hampshire Republican GOP primary.
Will you watch Current coverage of Iowa caucus and New Hampshire primary? Let me know in the comments section. Also, you can follow me on Twitter for more Current TV scoop.

