“Late Night with Jimmy Fallon” made its broadcast debut on March 2, 2009, as “Saturday Night Live” alum Jimmy Fallon became the third host of the NBC comedy-talk franchise. The show serves as a platform for comedy, music and A-list talent out of NBC’s Rockefeller Center Studio 6B.

Last airing was no exception. It featured three great interviews of Patton Oswalt and Michelle Williams, Jimmy and The Roots get help from Will Arnett (playing Brett Favre) for the hilarious Pro Bowl Shuffle. Pee-Wee Herman also made an appearance during “Buzzwords” on Friday.

In this video recap we´ve prepared, you can check everything out

Patton Oswalt Interview on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon 1/7/2011

Jimmy talks to Patton about becoming an author and Patton reads a passage from his book from bed. (It´s a two part clip)

Michelle Williams Interview on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon 1/7/2011

Jimmy talks to Michelle about her hair and preparing for her role in ‘Blue Valentine.’

Pee-Wee Herman Plays Buzzwords on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon

Audience members roll for a letter and must name words starting with that letter; this time, Pee-Wee Herman is a contestant.

Pro Bowl Shuffle Skit with Will Arnet on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon

Jimmy’s favorite football game is coming up and decided to play his favorite Pro Bowl dance video.

What did you think about Late Night with Jimmy Fallon featuring Michelle Williams, Patton Oswalt, Pee-Wee Herman and Will Arnett? Let me know your thoughts in the comments section.

Also, remember to follow me on Twitter for more Late Night Show scoop.

