Man-vs-earth-sam-branson-buried-snow-avalancheMan Vs Earth is a great Current TV One Hour Special regarding catastrophic weather and geological events that have devastating effects on the planet and its inhabitants—but what if humans could control Mother Nature? Explorer Sam Branson investigates the cutting-edge tactics scientists are using not only to predict, but prevent natural disasters. In this Man Vs Earth Special, Sam Branson takes us to a journey to learn about Snow and Avalanches.

As an adventurer as he is, Sam Branson tests the limits and puts himself in extreme situations, being buried alive in an avalanche for the show.

Great TV, very interesting documentary, and I had the chance to have a brief one on one with Sam Branson, (thanks Cynthia for arranging it) to talk about Man Vs Earth.

I not only am an enthusiast about television series but also a team member at a geological blog, where we like to talk about these topics too.

Exclusive Interview with Sam Branson from Man Vs Earth

What are the best reasons to watch Man Vs Earth?

It´s a very entertaining format for people to watch… a very entertaining format to help people learn and understand what happens on an avalanche. It´s very interesting.

Why did you do a show on snow and avalanches? What´s next when turned into a full season series?

It´s probably volcanos, hurricanes, we are looking at the big elements.

Why did you choose the locations you did? Did you base on a risk map or how d´you do it?

It was a process of several steps, but mainly we ended up choosing a place with many many avalanches, but that was also not so dangerous for us.

What precaution measures did you as a filming team have to take in order to work with snow and avalanches?

All in all we took many precautions, mainly being aware of where you are. But after the show I know very well how to be prepared and what equipment to bring if being in an avalanche.

How did you feel being buried in an avalanche? What emotions and thoughts went through your mind?

After all I knew the team was around, so I was much more controlled than if on a real avalanche. But it was really complex, I knew people was going to get me rescued, so it was a thing about patience; but when I thought as if no one was coming, I started feeling claustrophobic, that sort of things. I think being caught in an avalanche situation is a very very eyes opening thing if you can survive it.

You did three Arctic missions before starting Man Vs Earth. Did that kisckstart the project, or you had the project before and that was a key activity for the show?

The experience gave me perspective, and I wanted to share the experience with the audience.

I have also the Trailer Video for Man Vs Earth with Sam Branson

Remember to watch Current TV Man Vs Earth April 22nd 9PM ET/PT.

What did you think about this interview and special? Will you watch Man Vs Earth? Let me know in the comments section.

Also, remember to follow me on Twitter for more Current TV scoop.

Photo credit: Mark Atkinson/Current TV

