A new season is on the way… Pulled guinea pig, roasted alligator and lamb tongue, OH MY!  Andrew Zimmern, the James Beard Award-winning TV personality, chef, food writer and teacher, is back, and this time he’s ditching his passport for the good old U.S.A. “Bizarre Foods America” marks the first time an entire season is dedicated to taking viewers to the backyards of America while exploring the bizarre melting pot of exotic and familiar cultures our nation has to offer. And, who better to discover this red, white and unusual smorgasbord than Andrew Zimmern?

Bizarre Foods America: Twin Cities Monday January 23 10PM

They say there’s no place like home, and that’s especially true for Andrew when it comes to the food scene in the Twin Cities. In Minneapolis and St. Paul, old fashioned comfort foods are being combined with modern innovation to serve up foods that are a mix of past and present. From casseroles made with organ meats to a restaurant that serves up duck testicles as an appetizer, Andrew reveals that when it comes to food, there’s a lot more to eat in Minnesota than grandma’s tater tot hot dish!

Bizarre Foods America: New Orleans Monday January 30 9PM

Andrew makes a trip to the Big Easy where the food and the culture are a mix of Southern tradition and modern influence. From the bayous to Bourbon Street, New Orleans is a unique food city with a variety of flavors that pull from classic recipes to new twists on old favorites. So whether it’s classic Cajun comfort foods like stuffed pig stomach, frog sauce picante, or smoked raccoon served with a side of live jazz, Andrew is ready to experience all the sights, sounds, and tastes that make New Orleans a city like no other!

What do you think? Will you watch the new season of Bizarre Foods America?
Let me know in the comments section. Also, remember to follow me on Twitter for more Bizarre Foods America scoop.

