The-Family-Tools-abc-pilotWe entered the times when networks announce the pilots they pick up, and it´s the time to start making bets on which will be good, which will be gone soon and which will be good but gone, and which will be hits.

I alredy talked about How to live with your parents for the rest of your life, and now it´s time to continue with another pilot from ABC: Family Tools.

ABC´s family tools Plot Synopsis

Mixing family with business is never easy, and Jack Shea (Kyle Bornheimer) is about to learn that lesson the hard way. When Jack’s father, Tony (J.K. Simmons), has a heart attack and is forced to hand over the keys to his beloved handyman business, Jack is eager to finally step up and make his father proud. Unfortunately Jack’s past career efforts have been less than stellar, so everyone seems to be waiting for him to fail. His new job isn’t made any easier by Tony’s rebellious, troublemaker assistant, Darren (Edi Gathegi), and Darren’s flirtatious sister, Liz (Danielle Nicolet), who works at the local hardware store. Yet with the support of his Aunt Terry (Leah Remini) and his oddball yet endearing cousin Mason (Johnny Pemberton), Jack Shea may just find his true calling right at home.

ABC´s family tools trailer video

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My verdict on Family Tools:

I hope it works and peopl tune in… unfortunately, Kyle Bornheimer is a guy who has a track record of getting the pilot picked to series, having enjoyable first seasons but not coming back for a second season, like it happened with Romantically Challenged and Perfect Couples.

Other members of the cast have enjoyed better luck, as Leah Remini or J.K. Simmons.

I´m on wait and see mode. I´ll watch the first three episodes of the show to make a better call.

What do you think? Will you watch Family Tools on ABC? Let me know your thoughts. Also, remember to follow me on Twitter for more Family Tools spoilers and scoop.

