Just like I did with Iowa Caucus, it´s time to see some political analysis from Current TV’s “Politically Direct 2012” Election Coverage January 10, 2012.
Highlights from analysis of New Hampshire Primary by Former Vice President Al Gore, Former Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm, and Current TV Anchor Cenk Uygur.
Politically Direct 2012′: Al Gore says Romney ‘made a serious mistake’ attacking Gingrich and Perry in N.H. speech
During Current TV’s “Politically Direct 2012” New Hampshire primary coverage, Al Gore and Jennifer Granholm explain why Mitt Romney’s prime time speech failed to resonate for them. Gore believes Romney “missed an opportunity” to rise above the attack ads against him released this week, instead targeting opponents Newt Gingrich and Rick Perry. “He just beat the tar out of them in this primary,” Gore says. “Why not let that be his response?” Granholm says, “The hypocrisy of his actions — what he has done —  and what he’s saying now is so blatant.”

‘Politically Direct 2012’: Will Ron Paul’s strong N.H. finish carry through to S.C.?
During Current TV’s “Politically Direct 2012” New Hampshire primary coverage, Brian Unger, Jennifer Granholm, Michael Shure and Cenk Uygur analyze the stark differences between Ron Paul and Mitt Romney. Of Paul’s speech in New Hampshire, Granholm says, “That is authentic Ron Paul. Mitty Romney’s got teleprompters. He’s got a very scripted speech. Ron Paul is just Ron Paul.” But while honesty and authenticity has given Paul an edge so far, Cenk is still skeptical about the future. “Does this translate to better numbers in South Carolina and Florida?” Cenk asks. “Because right now, he isn’t doing very well.”

‘Politically Direct 2012’: Gore says coming in 3rd in N.H. in ’88 was great, but Huntsman ‘doesn’t have anywhere to go now’
On Current TV’s “Politically Direct 2012,” Cenk Uygur, Jennifer Granholm and Al Gore react to Jon Huntsman’s speech after coming in third in the New Hampshire primary. “I came in third place for the contest for the nomination [in 1988], and I thought that was great,” Gore says, laughing, “but he doesn’t have anywhere to go now, I don’t think.”

What do you think about New Hampshire coverage done by Current TV? Let me know in the comments section.

