Human Target is a great action show, and this week came back with a new original episode. One called Kill Bob where Chance and the team protect a husband who thinks his wife is a Russian spy and out to kill him for classified defense secrets. Meanwhile, Ames has a secret of her own that she doesn’t want Chance to find out.
Therefore, it´s time for us to review the Best Quotes from Human Target.
Best Quotes from Human Target S02E11 – Kill Bob
Winston: One thing I don´t miss about being married is getting dragged down here every Sunday
Bob: What about my wife, aren´t you worried about her
Guerrero: More than you know
Bob: Did you see the assassin? What did he look like?
Chance: Looked a lot like your wife
Winston: You gotta do what you gotta do
Bob: Don´t kill me
Winston: See? That´s what happens when you marry someine you don´t know
Bob: I´m back
Chance: Go, go
Angie: What are you doing here? I said I could handle it
Ivan: You said it before. I´m here to make sure
Chance: Good news: Your wife loves you
Bob: Even if she wasn´t trying to kill me, she was trying to kill you
Chance: Exactly. She´s in love with you, not me
Ames: Awww
Ames: Ok, I´m here, what´s so important?
Ilsa: Sit
Guerrero: Dude, looks like Angie just shot Bob
Chance: Now I gotta go kill her
Bob: What? Did he say he was going to kill her?
Winston: I don´t suppose I can talk you out of this
Angie: I love you Bob
Bob: I love you too, Natalia
Winston: So I guess you are a love expert now
Guerrero: Ballsy, I like it
Guerrero: Any preference on your new names?
Ilsa: I don´t think you´ve ever been in love; and that makes all the difference
What did you think about these Human Target Kill Bob Quotes? Let me know in the comments section.
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