Tag: Caprica

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Guillermo Paz onto Sci Fi
Casonia sade logenberry Give it to Kong station or Ion tv or joe tv and there are other avenues to follow and other directions you can take this and maybe for a while people will get a chance to watch something produced from a wonderful company as yourself and gather a new understanding and concept from another point of view?
Jonathan Just another reminder that the TV business has nothing to do with artistic quality. Quality shows do get on (and some networks, like AMC, have a business model that encourages quality), but they are increasingly rare. There are OK shows, and then there are ambitious, visionary shows like Caprica, shows that are literally a new kind of visual language. It's like when a band you love goes in a different direction. It takes some getting used to, but then you find you love the new stuff even better. No offense to Warehouse 13, but its shallow characters and cheesy plot lines are the same old same old. I'm sad to see Caprica being taken off the air.
