Tag: Changeling

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Best Actress @ what’s a fine day?????? [...] Cotilla and Nicole Kidman get up on stage to present the Oscar for Best Actress in a leading role. Read More ooollllddddd [...]
Best Actress : i am font of mike..?? his my god [...] Cotilla and Nicole Kidman get up on stage to present the Oscar for Best Actress in a leading role. Read More|||Kate Winslet awarded best actress Oscar 2009 – Finally, Kate Winslet keep her winning. She wins [...]
Guillermo Paz onto Awards
Cinematography winner for “Slu… @ ??boss????…it’s my lucky? [...] The Nominees are: Changeling The Curious Case of Benjamin Button The Dark Knight The Reader Read More|||How do you take the Oscar for Achievement in Cinematography and make it funny? Give Ben Stiller [...]
Guillermo Paz onto Awards
