Tag: House MD

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Guillermo Paz onto Actors, House MD
BETO House should not end. House is the only great show that actually gets you hooked to the medical and life of a doctor. Also the staff in the show are great. Me as a strong and positive man i really love this show I and other wouldnt like to see this show end. Please Hugh Laurie dont quit the show. You are the main character in the show and nobody I meand NOBODY would want to see you go. HOUSE ROCKS :)
cheryl please dont leave this is the only tv show I watch and look forward to every week.....nothing like house on tv anymore...LOVE HOUSE...
Guillermo Paz onto House MD
House Spoilers: Is Wilson leaving House MD? [...] showrunners have gone all the way to accommodate to absences work related, as the case of Olivia Wilde. Kal Penn, who played Dr Kutner died on the show, mainly because his job was overseas and in the [...]
Guillermo Paz onto House MD, Spoilers
Tweets that mention House Season Finale Spoiler: Cuddy breaking up with Lucas? -- Topsy.com [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Pulpopaz. Pulpopaz said: Espóiler: ¿Qué va a pasar entre House, Cuddy y Lucas en el Season Final de House? http://cot.ag/92Bm1j [...]
Guillermo Paz onto Actresses, House MD
Camillex3 AWESOOOOOME :D !!!!!!!!!!!
Tweets that mention House MD Spoiler: Cameron is back on House MD -- Topsy.com [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Series And TV, Series And TV. Series And TV said: House MD Spoiler: Cameron is back on House MD: - http://tinyurl.com/y9j68lm [...]
Guillermo Paz onto House MD, Spoilers
Tweets that mention Lisa Edelstein on Cuddy´s nude scene and more. -- Topsy.com [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Series And TV, Series And TV. Series And TV said: Lisa Edelstein on Cuddy´s nude scene and more.: - http://tinyurl.com/ycefvbz [...]
Guillermo Paz onto Actors, House MD
khanmikhail Dear Author seriesandtv.com ! It is more than word!
Guillermo Paz onto House MD, Spoilers
Guillermo Paz onto House MD, Spoilers
Series & TV » Blog Archive » House Mega Spoiler: Taub and Thirteen back in the team [...] we already saw Thirteen leaving House when Foreman kicked her [...]
Guillermo Paz onto House MD, Spoilers
ETS There is much satisfaction in the ABA form in Art, Literature, ande Music. The theme (exposition if you will) of House is "You can't always get what you want, but of you try sometimes you might find you get what you need." According to the writers, the love of his life was Stacy. If the series ends now, with Cuddy the object, it will not ring true to form. It will not have the symmetry that follows so many works of art that we identify with or embrace. Stacy provides rich opportunity for flashback to earlier times, providing a window into what twisted and molded the character into the anti-social curmugeon presented weekly on the series.
dwyane barnes I like Stacy in House MD. She is the best character in this show.
Guillermo Paz onto House MD, Spoilers
Mega House Spoiler: Chase and Cameron getting divorced | Divorce Information [...] post:  Mega House Spoiler: Chase and Cameron getting divorcedSHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "Mega House Spoiler: Chase and Cameron getting divorced", url: [...]
