Tag: Nestor Kirchner dies

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Casonia sade Logenberry..Honk your Car to slow this crazy pushy aggressive drivers down..Fast and Driving close to your car and..it makes me feel Bummed Rushed...Alway be thoughful on the road.! Take care family and take it one day at a time and it has to be really hard to miss all this special days ahead of us and...Just take it nice and slow and one day at a time and lost is something that shocks you and when you don't have that special person around it is so very hard to be around that but what I mean is thankgiving and christmas and new years.
Casonia sade Logenberry..Honk your Car to slow this crazy pushy aggressive drivers down..Fast and Driving close to your car and..it makes me feel Bummed Rushed...Alway be thoughful on the road.! I care and know that your still in shock and...I know that his family and friends need time to heal and...So sorry that other people can't say much to you but it has to hurt to not have the person you love and miss and this Holidays are ahead and it has to be major hard to go throw this without the person you love and miss...All I can say is take care and do everything slow like and take it one day at a time...I want to say is take care...I am sorry for your lost.
