Tag: The City of Santa Ana

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Guillermo Paz onto Casting Calls
daniela manajrrez Hii I'm daniela manjarrez!!! I love to act its my dream I'd do any thing to act in front of every body and I love all kind of acts love scandals all of them yuh name it well that's mostly about it ohh yah of course I play soccer and I sometimes act if I twisted my leg but its all fake so yah send me a email love yah all out there!!!! With love and respect daniela manjarrez and I'm 14 thank yuh a lot:)
sophie hii my names sophie morton i am 14 years old and i would love to have a chance to be in this film pleasee i lvoe to perform act and dance and sing its my pasion i also play guitar i love to do it all its my dreaam thankyouu soo much please email me