Tag: The Tonight show with Jay Leno

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Guillermo Paz onto Talk Shows
Casonia Sade Logenberry! Happy Thankgiving and Merry X Mas and Happy New year everybody and life is full of twist and turns I am watching and waiting to see what happens next and want to stick my nose in your personal life and wonder what is taking so long and when some one trys to trash your life...You got the money and the time to crush her like a peanute and make peanute butter and just roast her like a roast beef in the over and just smash her and let every one see the shame on her face. But of course the whole world is looking at you and..Even though you did not do anything! Every one is looking at you and wonder what is taking so long and how long does it take to get that D.N.A. Test and like Maury Says you are not the father and really blow this woman out of the water..Hurry up and don't let this spoil your Holidays and get it over and just move on with your life and have a Merry Xmas and Happy New year Dear.
Casonia sade Logenberry and have a great day to person on this earth today..The air is fresh and it is raining here in Seattle and the trees are happy to gain the fresh water in its veins and the trees dance and move in motion. He Seems so thoughtful and loving about his family and really cares about all the people around him and he was born to be sweet and kind and thoughtful and sweet and...He is mature but yet so young and his future really looks bright and...His life is going to get better and better and better at his craft and...He is young and handsome and really attractive and...He is going to rock the world and really make this world so much better and...He is going to have fun and really get to meet many people in this world and..He has a truely amazing life ahead of him and just think he gets to meet people from all over the world and get to hang out with people we all dream about every day...Lucky young man and want to wish him a happy birthday soon.
Guillermo Paz onto Daily Shows
Guillermo Paz onto Talk Shows
Casonia sade Logenberry and have a great day to person on this earth today..The air is fresh and it is raining here in Seattle and the trees are happy to gain the fresh water in its veins and the trees dance and move in motion. Cameron Diaz is really Beautiful and wonderful and sexy as hell and this woman is being stalked to death and no one will leave her alone and...Because she can't help how pretty she is and most of all a amazing actress and has a pretty ass voice but she is never going to be able to walk down the street and she is happy go lucky and funny little lady and she is truely amazing and can act her ass off and she really has a way of torching the world on so many level and...Every one in this world who can see...Has love for her craft and because of her career...Many people in the world are always going to love her on so many levels but...She gives joy to this world and she makes so many people happy and that is the reason people stalks her and follows her around and most of all she is really sweet and most of all she is truely rare bird.
Guillermo Paz onto Talk Shows
Guillermo Paz onto Talk Shows
Jeff Clark What a bummer to have Cam on after Bill. I hope Cam did not watch or listen to Bill as it would be a pity to see him grow older with the same foul mouth and hate for others. I could have turned off the tv and went to bed in peace after Cam if he would have been on 1st.
Guillermo Paz onto Talk Shows
Guillermo Paz onto Talk Shows
Guillermo Paz onto Talk Shows
Linda We have been fans of the Tonight Show first with Johnny Carson and then Jay Leno, but after the "Award" by Adam Corolla, my husband turned the tv off. We have not watched the Tonight since and never will.
Ingrid I Cannot Believe What I Am Hearing, What I Have Heard From One Of The Guests On The 6th January 2011 On The Jay Leno Show. This gentleman sat In Front Of the World and Used His Voice to Call My Almighty God, His Almighty God, Our Almighty God an Abusive Name (A Jack…). Sir, May Almighty God Have Mercy on Your Soul and Mine, For You Have Used Your Voice To Plant Seeds Of hatred and dissension in The mind and hearts of Many Innocent People. But, Before I Continue Let Me Say (Out Loud) By The Name Of God, By The Blood Of Jesus Christ, By His Precious Body, By His Holy Spirit And By His Word, I And Many Rebuke That Statement. May Almighty God Send His Warriors To Protect His People, Especially Me And My Family. To Everything God Has Created, He Blessed It. What Gives You The Right Sir, To Try And Lay A Curse On What God Has Blessed. God Spoke and Created the Earth and Man and He laid A Blessing of Goodness to his creation. You Sir, Have Obviously Made Your Choice, If That Is The Case, Then, Keep It To Yourself And To Your Kind. In The Interim Learn To Respect The Faith Of Other Human Beings. If I Had A Million Dollars I Would Dare You To Speak Against The Muslim Faith In Similar Fashion, But You Did Your Homework, You Know That true Christians are over tolerant. Take care your own words do not turn against you. May Almighty God Have Mercy On Your Soul. I Would Leave You With This Advice. Now, yes, now I say, find A Quiet Spot and Cry out to God for Mercy and Beg His Forgiveness earnestly. Find a Bible Read or rather Pray Psalm 51, Read the Story of King David. Then Read John 3:16 and Then Re-Read it again. Take Note, God’s Word Is like a Two-Edged Sword – To Punish and to Reward.
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