Glenn Rhee on the most shocking and heartbreaking death scene of the year on The Walking Dead.
TV Characters In Memoriam 2016.
Every year we lose several big characters on our favorite shows. And as brutal as 2016 was in real life, taking such icons as David Bowie, Alan Rickman, Prince, George Michael, Muhammad Ali and many more; TV shows were no less brutal, taking away some fan faves, sometimes in the most gruesome ways.
In this article and video you will see tons of spoilers if you haven´t watched or caught on to your shows, I´d recommend to wait before you take a look a the video.
Watch the Video of the TV Characters #InMemoriam for 2016
And here, Below you will find the List of the TV Characters we lost in 2016. #InMemoriam, in the same order as you will see them in the video.

Sgt. Abraham Ford´s death scene on The Walking Dead
Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC
- Abbie Mills, Sleepy Hollow
- Alejandro Nuñez, Fear The Walking Dead
- Allister Thorne, Game of Thrones
- Andrew Nichols, Scandal
- Astra Zor-El, Supergirl
- Black Canary, Arrow
- Bridey, The Family
- Leonard Snart aka Captain Cold, DC´s Legends of Tomorrow
- Celia Flores, Fear The Walking Dead
- Charles Pike, The 100
- Chief Santiani, The Mysteries of Laura
- Damien Dahrk, Arrow
- Danny Borrelli, Chicago Fire
- Denise, The Walking Dead
- Drake Holloway, iZombie
- Elektra, Daredevil
- Frank Gaad, The Americans
- Gabriel, Hawaii Five-0
- Giddeon Goddard, Mr Robot
- Glenn Rhee, The Walking Dead
- Grand Maester Pycelle, Game of Thrones
- Hades, Once Upon a Time
- Harper, Empire
- High Sparrow, Game of Thrones
- Hive, Marvel´s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
- Hodor, Game of Thrones
- Jessie, The Walking Dead
- Jodi, Mom
- John Reese, Person of Interest
- Justin Voight, Chicago P.D.
- Kate, Wayward Pines
- Killer Frost, The Flash
- King Arthur, Once Upon a Time
- Kyle Diaz, Grey´s Anatomy
- Lexa, The 100
- Liam O´Connor, Quantico
- Lincoln Campbell, Marvel´s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
- Lincoln, The 100
- Lucas Goodwin, House of Cards
- Lucien Castle, The Originals
- Luis Flores, Fear The Walking Dead
- Luke Collins, Heroes Reborn
- Maragery Tyrrell, Game of Thrones
- Margaret Scully, The X-Files
- Mayfair, Blindspot
- Metatron, Supernatural
- Monica Gallagher, Shameless
- Nina Krilova, The Americans
- Noah Bennett, Heroes Reborn
- Norma Bates, Bates Motel
- Osha, Game of Thrones
- Pablo Escobar, Narcos
- Phyllis, Colony
- Poussey, Orange is the new Black
- Queen Kwenthrith, Vikings
- Rickon Stark, Game of Thrones
- Robert Ford, Westworld
- Robin Hood, Once Upon a Time
- Roose Bolton, Game of Thrones
- Russo, NCIS: New Orleans
- Sgt Abraham Ford, The Walking Dead
- Simon Asher, Quantico
- Spencer Monroe, The Walking Dead
- The Director, The Blacklist
- Theo, Gotham
- Theresa Cullen, Westworld
- Thomas Abigail, Fear The Walking Dead
- Thomen Baratheon, Game of Thrones
- Tyler Lockwood, The Vampire Diaries
- Vandal Savage, DC´s Legends of Tomorrow
- Vanessa Ives, Penny Dreadful
- Wes Gibbins, How to get away with Murder
- Zoom, The Flash

Hodor was another one we are going to miss.
Game of Thrones.
TV Characters In Memoriam 2016.
As you see 73 regular to main characters on the bigger shows on television were killed off on the shows this 2016. The ones that still hurt the most for me are Glenn and Abraham on The Walking Dead, but there are a lot that we´ll miss for sure.
Please head to the comments and let me know which one you´ll miss the most, or if I forgot someone important. Or Tweet using the hashtag #InMemoriam
As the year comes to an end, there will be more videos posted with In Memoriam for Sports, Music, Film & TV, Literature and Icons.
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