This show first aired in 2012, and BBC One has commissioned a second season for Helicopter Rescue, set to premiere April 8th 2013 when viewers will again be able to experience the drama and suspense of thrilling rescue footage featuring the RAF Search and Rescue Force.
Following a first series broadcast in 2012, the programme team gained exclusive access to follow the crews based at RAF Valley on Anglesey and RMB Chivenor in Devon, and among the new faces on this series is Prince William – HRH The Duke of Cambridge, or Flt Lt Wales as he’s known within the RAF.
Helicopter Rescue is the first TV series to show extensive footage of Flt Lt Wales’s working life in the RAF, as he and his fellow Search and Rescue colleagues strive to bring casualties to safety.
As well as dramatic footage of rescues, the programmes feature revealing interviews with crew members as they describe how they deal with challenging and often harrowing situations. In one programme, winchman Sergeant Ed Griffiths from Nefyn puts his life on the line as he battles atrocious conditions to rescue four students stuck on a ledge in deep snow on Tryfan in the Ogwen Valley.
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