new-girl-quotes-spoilers-cece-crashesA new episode of the new hit sitcom (hitcom if you like it) New Girl just aired (like every tuesday 9/8 C on Fox), this one called Cece Crashes, in which Cece convinces Jess that Nick likes her more than just as a roommate and Schmidt tries to seal the deal with Cece.

While we are at it, I have a special video of Hannah Simone (who plays Cece) video diary on the Canadian Press Tour.

Just as a reminder, Hannah Simone is the british actress who plays Cece, the supermodel friend of Jess in New Girl. And it suits that she´s going to do the Canadian Press Tour, since she was a very famous VJ in MuchMusic Canada.

Watch Hannah Simone video diary on the Canadian Press Tour

And back to the episode…

Best Quotes and moments from New Girl S01E05 Cece Crashes

Jess: Meep meep

Cece: I really thought he was different
Jess: Yeah, he really looked like a very nice european DJ with a face tattoo

Nick: What happened to you? You didn´t use to be like this Schmidt

Winston: What is between you and that chair?
Schmidt: Just a little bit of sunshine

Schmidt: If you had a job, you´d understand

Jess: Ok, I´m not a part of it Schmidy, not a part of it

Winston: Are you sheep dogging her, Schmidt?

Schmidt jumping around and screaming Parkour

Schmidt: You really have a very beautiful body Cece, I really appreciate it

Cece: I really think he´s into you
Jess: Nick?

Jess: Be there in a sec, bro
Nick: Did you just call me bro?

Jess: I´m just walking like a friend

Winston: You can´t close

Jess: Why do you have to say my name like that: “Jeaass”. And why do you have to wear old man clothes all the time?
Nick: I don´t wear old man clothes. You don´t like the way I dress? Did I do something to you?

Jess: Am I dressing too provocative? Do I need to wear thicker pijamas?

Jess: I like being weird and taking my time

Cece holds Schmidt hand and says: If you tell anyone that we held hands, I have two people in my phone that would kill you literally

Jess: I´m sorry I was so weird today
Nick: It´s ok
(And of course they are pointing the feet to each other)

I really hope Nick and Jess don´t start dating in season one of New Girl. Had to say it, the weirdness and awkwardness could last a while.

What do you think about New Girl S01E05 Cece Crashes quotes? Let me know in the comments section. Also, remember to follow me on Twitter for more New Girl scoop.

