giftofchristmas-chicken-soup-book-reviewYou can be kind of a Grinch yourself, but you can´t help to laugh a bit with some of these stories of Christmas in this Chicken Soup for the Soul book, which has the quirk of being 120 stories instead of the usual 101 stories on every book of the series.

One of the best things about the book is that it moves away from the cliche and the cheesiness of Christmas-y love (mostly) to show with humor and sweetness those little things that will eventually over time become family memories that are to be told once and again throughout the years.

One of the funniest stories is about a kid that was starting to think Santa did not exist and the Christmas´ morning, upon opening the gifts and seeing that his little sister got a karaoke machine tells his parents: “Now I do believe in Santa, there´s no way anybody who knows my sister and knew how badly she sings would be so stupid as to give her a karaoke machine”. Hilarious!
All in all, a great book for those who love Christmas, family stories or just a book that´s an easy read.

This review was done in Spanish, by Dayana for her blog, and in English by her for this one.

Book Info:

Paperback: 480 pages
Publisher: Chicken Soup for the Soul
ISBN-10: 1611599016
ISBN-13: 978-1611599015

How to Buy Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Gift of Christmas?

Visit this link on Amazon.

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