dexter-s06e08-sins-of-omission-quotes-spoilersThis season I am being lucky as hell and getting the chance to see Dexter before it airs, and tell you some things about it.
I will post this article with best quotes and moments from Dexter S06E08 Sins of Omission first fifteen minutes. Just to let you taste a little bit, but know for sure, you need to watch the whole episode to see if Debra forgives Dexter for going away five days and if she finds out Dexter was in Nebraska, or if Debra is going to find out about Travis, and if Professor Geller is killing Travis´ sister as “The Whore”.

Best Quotes and Moments from Dexter S06E08 Sins Of Omission

Episode was written by Arika Lisanne Mittman and directed by Ernest Dickerson

Dexter uses lessons he learned from Brother Sam to follow up on some new leads in the Doomsday investigation. Debra butts heads with Captain LaGuerta over the case of a dead call girl.

Dexter: Kids trust everybody. They trust the food you are giving them as good to eat. They trust you are leading the way

Dexter: What´s good for an apology?

Dexter: Grown ups are a lot harder

Debra: Well look what the fucking cat dragged in
Dexter: The cat also brought coffee and donuts

Dexter: I´m sorry I took off like that, I really needed to get away

Dexter: I took advantage of you
Debra: I know
Dexter: I am really sorry

Dexter: Seems like Travis Marshall is not my secret anymore

Professor Geller: I wonder if she´d look lovely in red
Travis: You stay the fuck away from her

The scene from Brother Sam funeral was beautifully filmed.

Dexter: Is it possible that brother Sam changed me? I didn´t kill Jonah when I had the chance. Did Brother Sam somehow bring a little bit of light out of me?

The encounter between Travis and Dexter was spot on

And that´s the first fifteen minutes… I can´t tell you anything else, you´ll have to watch the rest of the episode to learn  among other things for another five star episode!

What did you think, will you watch Dexter S06E08 Sins of Omission? Let me know in the comments section.
Also, remember to follow me on Twitter for more Dexter scoop.

