We know someone´s dying on House MD, we just don´t know who it is… and we probably can be sure that it´s not Gregory House who´s dying on House MD, Maybe Kutner is dying on House, maybe Taub is dying on House, maybe Wilson is dying, maybe Chase is dying… we don´t know…
What we know is that we can especulate as much as we want…
Why was Gregory House´s vision blurry at the end of Locked In? Why did he saw Wilson the same way Mos Def saw him?
Perhpas because House is getting a contagious disease from the patient… maybe Gregory House got leptospirosis from him…
What do you think?
Well first of all we know house doesn’t die. An second of all we know…
Right… we know he won´t die, but is he dying from it, and the team saves him? or it was nothing?
I think ive never seen such a stupid info. House saw Wilson in this way to just show everyone that he is also “locked-in” in some way.that’s why we will stay alone (or something like that) what Wilson said.
the blurry vision was to show that house was ‘locked-in’ in the sense that he wont change and it cut off from the world. people looked way to hard into it.