This week we added something to our Series & TV site. Books!
We had the chance to review The Naked Lady Who Stood on Her Head, and since we are now trying to start to talk about books that TV Show fans would like (for instance, House MD fans, In Treatment fans, Huff fans, Grey´s Anatomy fans). They would eat this book since it´s very TV episodic like and related to those interests.
Since I had the chance to read The Naked Lady Who Stood on Her Head and review it, I had the opportunity to do a little follow up interview with Dr Gary Small, author of The Naked Lady Who Stood on Her Head to learn a couple extra things about the book, and also, to start the new Category of this site with the right foot.
1- SeriesAndTV: Why did you choose that story (The Naked Lady Who Stood on Her Head) to headline the book?
Dr Gary Small: The book is about unusual cases, and we thought that an upside-down naked lady was visually striking and bizarre.
2- What was the dynamics and process of writing the book?
I recounted my memories of the cases, and Gigi helped me put them into story form.
3- Why do you think Medical and Psychiatry TV Shows fans would like your book?
Because the stories in the book are each complete with strong characters and a medical/psychological mystery that gets solved at the end of each story. (As you will see in my review, I said exactly that as one of the things I liked… he was right on the money on that one)
4- What are the five best reasons to start therapy?
- You have a psychological problem that you can’t resolve on your own.
- Your life is not going the way you’d like it to go, and you want help from a professional.
- You have symptoms that you think might improve from therapy and/or medication. These symptoms might be mental – anxiety, depression, psychosis (i.e., hearing voices, distorted reality) or physical – insomnia, fatigue, diminished appetite, loss of libido.
- The relationships in your life just aren’t working and you want help figuring out why.
- You’ve been in therapy before, it’s helped, and you’d like to try again.
Also, Dayana did an excellent 10 reasons to start therapy post in Spanish a while ago, I felt pertinent to add here.
How to buy The Naked Lady Who Stood on Her Head?
You can either buy it online at (both hard cover and Kindle editions), at Barnes & Noble, at Harper Collins site (In E-Book, Hard cover or audiobook formats).
If you read the Book The Naked Lady who Stood on her head let me know if you agree or disagree.
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And if you are an author or editor and want me to review your book, contact me following these steps.
I´d love to be helpful and promote good interesting books.
Keep reading!
Other Conditions: While the use of supplements has been suggested for several other psychiatric conditions, in my opinion there is limited evidence or justification for this at the current time. In any case such therapies should never be used as a first line treatment in serious conditions involving severe impairment, psychosis, mania, or suicidal thinking.