the-christian-world-of-the-hobbit-devin-brown-book-reviewWho would´ve thought I would be reading a book about Christianity. Well, probably, not the me from a couple of years back. Me now, yup, certainly. Not that my belief has changed, but rather my appreciation of content. And the possibility of reading an in depth analysis. After all, I read a book about Lost and Philosophy, and in this case, it´s also a book on similar kind of analysis, only with a different subject. And I have to say, Dr Devin Brown manages to explain his points under a very interesting light, dissecting the book, and not only The Hobbit, but also delving into The Lord of the Rings saga, and some of JRR Tolkien´s letters to friends like CS Lewis, to his son Christopher Tolkien, or his lectures at Oxford, as well as books by other scholars studying the subject.

All in all, the book is easy to read and follow, specially if you have your Hobbit fresh in your mind. And the book is a good fit to have for this summer, since the movie The Hobbit hit the screens a couple of months back and is probably still on our short time memory.

Who do I recommend this book? To all Tolkien fans, wether Christian or not, as the book is more of an analysis of the book, rather than a evangelizing tale.

Book Info

Paperback: 208 pages
Publisher: Abingdon Press; 1 edition (October 1, 2012)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 142674949X
ISBN-13: 978-1426749490

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