skinny-rules-bob-harper-greg-critser-book-reviewThis is a book by a TV Show celebrity, as this comes from the pen of The Biggest Loser´s trainer Bob Harper alongside Greg Critser, so every fan of the show will easily associate it with this book. As Harper himself says, this book is a response to all those who follow his Twitter account @mytrainerbob to learn more tips to lose weight. Maybe that´s why the book structure is based on short chapters and concrete recommendations that almost everybody could use if willing to commit to the goal.

The book is in three parts, the first being the rules to lose weight, that sets a twenty rules rule-book to follow in order to lose some extra pounds.

Second part is about the menu and foods to eat in order to lose weight, with a cookbook of 1200 calories for women and 1500 calories for men. And the third part with the tools to lose weight.

Probably it´s not a universal dieting book, but for US readers will be a good option. But as they usually put it in the show, the most important step is commitment.

Full Title is The Skinny Rules: The Simple, Nonnegotiable Principles for Getting to Thin.

How to buy this book? Visit this Amazon link.

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