So, Olympics frenzy has started this week and although everything is about London 2012, the Olympics have quite a lot of history. And that´s what we are going to be discussing here, since I am creating the Ultimate Olympics Maps collection, for you to check out who are the historic winners of all sports in the Olympics. Sport by Sport.
And I am starting with letter A: Archery.
Ultimate Olympics Map: Complete List of #Olympics Winners for Archery
South Korea leads with 16 golds, 9 silvers and 5 bronzes for a total of 30 medals.
Tip: Do a mouseover the markers on the map to see more info about the winners of Olympic Medals for Archery in History.
And the list is as follows on the references to the Ultimate Olympics Archery Map:
1- South Korea
2- United States
3- France
4- Belgium
5- Great Britain
6- USSR (Note, on all countries that no longer exist as such, I placed the marker on its former capital)
7- China
8- Italy
9- Finland
10- Ukraine
11- Japan
12- Australia
13- Netherlands
14- Sweden
15- Chinese Taipei
16- Germany
17- Poland
18- Spain
19- Indonesia
20- Russia
This map will be updated to reflect who are the winners of 2012 London Olympics for Archery. You can also check here the Olympics All Time Winners Map for the rest of the Olympic Sports to see your favourite one.
What do you think of this Map for the All Time Olympic Winners in Archery. Let me know in the comments section, and also, remember to follow me on Twitter for more 2012 London Olympics Maps.