penny-kaley-cuoco-lingerie-tbbt-quotes-big-bang-theory-raiders-minimizationAnother episode of The Big Bang Theory aired this week, in a homage to Indiana Jones, and plugs to Little House of the Prairie, Garfield and a lot more. The episode called The Raiders Minimization in which Sheldon is fit to be tied when Amy ruins one of his favorite adventure films, while Leonard finds the key to getting Penny to do his bidding, and Raj and Stuart get creative with their online-dating profiles.

Best Quotes from The Big Bang Theory S07E04 – The Raiders Minimization

Amy: When you said I´d be losing my virginity I thought you meant something else.

Sheldon: Here´s my Jaw Dropping.

Amy: If Indiana Jones weren´t in the film, the outcome would still be the same.

Leonard: Sheldon and Amy had date night and they don´t need me to make it awkward. They have each other for that.

Penny: Oh my God, you still go left.

Raj: Which celebrity you´d say I look like the most?
Howard: Halle Berry.

Leonard: Just warning you, I´m gonna go right, let´s not make a big thing about it.

Raj: It´s a little blurry but I think it works in your favour.

Stuart: What did you put for your best feature.
Raj: My parents money. What did you put in yours?
Stuart: Not applicable.

Penny: Maybe this time you don´t try to talk sports with the guys.
Leonard: It´s a sports bar. I thought they´d know about Quidditch.

Howard: You sound kind of proud.
Leonard: I kinda am.

Sheldon: Good night indeed.

Raj: Ok, my business is open for business.

Stuart: The ladies are coming to us.

Sheldon: This is more Little House of the Preposterous.

Leonard: Hi, I a was wondering… whoa what is up here.

Penny: Bernardette told me everything, now you don´t get the right or the left.

Leonard: Penny come back, I´m really sad now.

Raj: I was wrong, this is worse.

What did you think about the episode? Follow me on Twitter for more scoop.

