Once again an interesting project to audition for a sitcom arrived.

In this case, Savage Light Studios is holding open auditions for a sitcom pilot on March 13.

This sitcom pilot doing casting call auditions is set to hit filming around April 12.

Audition starts at 9 AM and run through 2 PM but only those who arrive before noon will be able to audition for the sitcom pilot.

What is this Sitcom Pilot Audition Casting Call looking for?

Kevin: Male late 20s-early 30s

Alexander: Male late 20s-early 30s

Kitty: female late teens early 20s

Puppy: female late teens early 20s

Muse: Female. Stunning beauty.

Mr Withers: male 35-50.

MP1 & MP2: males 20s-late 30s

Mr Davies: Male late 40-50

Various Freaky typed male and female to play extra roles.

How to audition for this sitcom pilot casting call?

Visit this link for more information on the sitcom pilot casting call.

At the same time and place another casting call and open audition for a feature so far called Project Z will be held. You can enter either one, but need to pick which when announcing yourself.

What do you think? Will you enter this sitcom pilot casting call audition? Let me know how it goes.

Also, remember to follow me on Twitter for more Casting Call and open Auditions information.

