hope-healing-breastcancer-chicken-soup-soul-book-reviewYet another review done by Dayana in Spanish for her blog and in English here. These days there´s a lot of talk about Angelina Jolie´s and the risks of breast cancer, so, whenever there´s a celebrity involved, it is a good chance to raise awareness on different matters. In this case, breast cancer. The subtitle of the books says it all: Surviving and Thriving During and After your Diagnosis and Treatment.

And even though the stories on this book are not as compelling and appealing as other books from the collection, the medical articles are such an important read for any woman that it is well worth it to read this book.

One of the best quotes among the book is “Don´t go crazy looking at statistics, as you are not in them” meaning that everything that gets published is based on studies done in past tense and there´s now better survival rates than before, and that prevention is key and better done these days than in years past. And we have Angelina Jolie to thank for the spotlight on this subject.

Paperback: 256 pages
Publisher: Chicken Soup for the Soul; Original edition (September 4, 2012)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 193509694X
ISBN-13: 978-1935096948

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