april-kepner-dying-death-dead-greys-anatomy-spoilersIt´s May Sweeps, and finales are just around the corner for many shows, and a lot of shows have already aired finales. Now it´s time to talk a little bit about Grey´s Anatomy Finale death.
And while there´s no official confirmation on wether April Kepner dies or not on the finale, nor anybody else, Shonda Rhimes, show creator already teased that a beloved character of the show was going to die in Grey´s Anatomy finale.
We also know that Shonda Rhimes is not shy if she feels like killing a character is a good creative move. Let´s remember she killed O´Malley already, and killed Dell on spinoff Private Practice.

Let´s analyze it a bit with chances for other stars:

Is Meredith dying on Grey´s Anatomy season finale?

Nope. She re upped her contract

Is Christina Yang dying on Grey´s Anatomy season finale?

Same. She reupped.

Is Miranda Bailey dying on Grey´s Anatomy season finale?

You better not Shonda. Everybody will tune off.

Is Dr Webber dying on Grey´s Anatomy season finale?

Another re upped contract

Is Derek Shepherd dying on Grey´s Anatomy season finale?

Never in a million years. Re upped the contract

Is Alex Karev dying on Grey´s Anatomy season finale?

Another re upped contract. I could see Shonda killing him though. But I´m betting against it. Maybe three percent chances.

So, no original cast member is getting killed on Grey´s Anatomy finale. Let´s see some other characters chances.

Dr Sloan dying on Grey´s Anatomy season finale?

A lot of eyes would turn away from the show.

Lexie Grey dying on Grey´s Anatomy season finale?

It takes away one of the Grey´s, so I´m betting against it too. But, since Shonda already locked up Pompeo for a new contract. There´s no need for her as backup plan. Shonda is capable of killing off Lexie Grey on Grey´s Anatomy. But I hope Lexie does not die. I still bet on April first.

Arizona dying on Grey´s Anatomy season finale?

This one I can see it happening. I´ll give it a ten percent shot.

Teddy dying on Grey´s Anatomy season finale?

A bit more. Near fifteen percent.

Owen Hunt dying on Grey´s Anatomy season finale?

Little chances in my books. Five percent.

Callie Torres dying on Grey´s Anatomy season finale?

Just for the “beloved” part I´ll put her chances in the low tenties.

Jackson Avery dying on Grey´s Anatomy season finale?

He´s more expendable. Near twenty percent.

April Kepner dying on Grey´s Anatomy season finale?

Bingo. Not so beloved, but it´s the next logical step in the storyline. Eighty-five percent of chances.

What do you think? Who will die on Grey´s Anatomy season finale? Lexie dies or April dies? Let me know in the comments section. Also, remember to follow me on Twitter for more Grey´s Anatomy scoop.

