I-Hate-my-teenage-daughter-teenage-family-night-preview-quotes-spoilersI Hate My Teenage Daughter pilot just ended, and although I don´t get Jaime Pressly as a freaky weirdo as the show intends to, I have to say pilot was funny. But making one of the hottest women on earth the weirdo was difficult for me to get it. I guess it´s one of those things you need to get used to over the episodes. Anyhow it´s good to have Jaime Pressly on TV each week (she´s not only gorgeous, she´s equally funny).

Back to the second episode of the show, called Teenage Family Night, that aires Wednesday December 7 9:30(8:30 C on Fox, when In an effort to reconnect with the girls, Annie reinstates an old tradition of “Family Night,” even though the adults are all now divorced. Of course, nothing seems to go right. The girls try to escape, Nikki becomes outraged when she learns that Gary (Chad L. Coleman) is dating someone new and Annie is thrown when Jack (Kevin Rahm) shows up with a hot date.

As my rule for these previews articles. I will only talk about the first ten minutes, as not to spoil it for anyone.

Best Quotes and Moments from I Hate My Teenage Daughter S01E02 Teenage Family Night

Annie: A little ladies porn to help you get through the morning?
Nikki: I´m looking at Mackenzie´s Facebook page

Nikki: Do you want to see Sophie´s Facebook page?
Annie: That would be invasion of her privacy
Nikki: That´s what Facebook´s for

Annie: What´s complicated about a relationship at fourteen? Pff… wait a minute, what relationship?

Matt: They are fourteen years old girls. Do you really wanna talk to them?

Annie: We should start having Family Night again. Why did we stop doing that?
Jack: Because you all got divorced

Annie: We are doing it for the girls
Matt: There gonna be girls there?
Annie: Our daughters, dumbass
Matt: Dumbass… really looking forward to it

Annie: Ok, wednesday
Matt: Wednesday? Wait… Is this an intervention? Because I´ve been doing great lately

Nikki: Why don´t you just admit you have a crush on Jack? (So, Annie is crushing on Jack, her ex brother in law… potential trouble there)

Annie: Gary, are you ready for this?
Gary: Do you have any beer?
Annie: There´s a six pack in the fridge
Gary: I love Family Night

Mackenzie: Ok, what did we do?
Sophie: Just say it and we´ll say we are sorry!

Matt: Bass players are important. They take the ugly groupies

Nikki: Monica, I got disconnected. Let me complete my thought: If I ever see you whore face… she hung up on me

And there you have the first ten minutes of the episode.

What did you think about my I Hate My Teenage Daughter Teenage Family Night Preview? Will you watch I Hate My Teenage Daughter Teenage Family Night Wednesday December 7 9:30/8:30 C on Fox? Let me know in the comments section.
Also, remember to follow me on Twitter for more I Hate My Teenage Daughter scoop.

