“Late Night with Jimmy Fallon” made its broadcast debut on March 2, 2009, as “Saturday Night Live” alum Jimmy Fallon became the third host of the NBC comedy-talk franchise. The show serves as a platform for comedy, music and A-list talent out of NBC’s Rockefeller Center Studio 6B.
Last night was no exception. It featured three great interviews of Ted Williams, Jim Carrey, Snooki book turned karaoke song and a bonus track with Sebastian Bach´s band Orange Ducks.
In this video recap we´ve prepared, you can check everything out
Ted Williams Interview on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon 1/6/2011
The man with the golden voice, Ted Williams, tells Jimmy his story of becoming an overnight sensation. And his journey from the street to the stadium.
Jim Carrey Interview on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon 1/6/2011
In this videos, Jim talks about losing weight, hosting Saturday Night Live and his new film “I Love You, Phillip Morris.
Jim Carrey´s interview continues
Snooki Karaoke on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon 1/6/2011
Three audience members compete in karaoke to songs excerpted from Snooki’s new book!
Snooki Karaoke continues
Finally, as a bonus track, Jimmy Fallon debuted the music video for the Oregon Ducks power ballad featuring Sebastian Bach.
Oregon Ducks Power Ballad Music Video
What did you think about Late Night with Jimmy Fallon featuring Ted Williams, Jim Carrey and the Snooki Karaoke? Let me know your thoughts in the comments section.
Also, remember to follow me on Twitter for more Late Night Show scoop. Oh, and remember Jim Carrey will also be on Inside the Actor´s Studio.