winona-ryder-jimmy-fallon-late-night-interview“Late Night with Jimmy Fallon” made its broadcast debut on March 2, 2009, as “Saturday Night Live” alum Jimmy Fallon became the third host of the NBC comedy-talk franchise. The show serves as a platform for comedy, music and A-list talent out of NBC’s Rockefeller Center Studio 6B.

Last night was no exception. It featured two great interviews of Winona Ryder and Regina King and the musical performance of Okkervil River.

Winona Ryder made her first TV interview appearance in 6 years last night on the show! She had some fun in her appearance too, as she took on Jimmy in another rousing game of Total Iceholes! Jimmy also welcomed Regina King and rockers Okkervil River.

In this video recap we´ve prepared, you can check everything out

Winona Ryder Interview on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon 1/10/2011

Winona tells Jimmy about her fear of the Internet, drinking from the Stanley Cup and her new movies.

Total Iceholes: Jimmy and Winona face off in the classic bean bag tossing competition.

Regina King Interview on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon 1/10/2011

Jimmy talks to Regina about her cheerleading coach duties and her show, ‘Southland.’

Okkervil River musical performance on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon 1/10/2011

What did you think about Late Night with Jimmy Fallon featuring Winona Ryder, Regina King and the musical performance by Okkervil River? Let me know your thoughts in the comments section.

Also, remember to follow me on Twitter for more Late Night Show scoop.

Photo Credit: Lloyd Bishop/NBC.

