She was the king of all youths a while back, then she kind of fell off the wagon…

Now she was in Tonight Show with Jay Leno for an interview. And we have everything here, courtesy of NBC.

Lindsay Lohan interview on Tonight Show with Jay Leno

Lindsay Lohan tells Jay Leno about making a lot of mistakes.

Lindsay Lohan talks about meeting John Gotti, making a lot of mistakes and wanting to change.

Lindsay Lohan talks about her lawyer, being sentenced to 120 days and her parents.

Lindsay Lohan talks about her supportive fans, what she’ll be doing at 30, her love life and the paparazzi.

Tonight Show Backstage: Bryan talks with Lindsay Lohan.

Well, she surely talked about everything, everything you wanted to know about LiLo she said…

It was quite an interview Jay Leno pulled off.

Do you see Lindsay Lohan winning an Oscar in six years as she predicts? Do you see her clean and back as the biggest star?

She sure has the chops, and now it´s just about getting back to focus on her talents.

What do you think? Let me know in the comments section.

Also, remember to follow me on Twitter for more Tonight Show and Linsay Lohan scoop.

