nate-berkus-show-michelle-jones-spoilers-quotesOn the Friday, December 10th edition of “The Nate Berkus Show” Nate sits down with Michelle Jones, who lost her husband to the gulf oil rig explosion in April, to talk about rebuilding your life and home when tragedy strikes. Michelle was nine months pregnant with their second child when she received the devastating news.

Nate Berkus Show with Michelle Jones – BP Oil Spill Widow Best Quotes

On why Michelle wanted to share her story:
Michelle: “I think there are so many other people who have gone through this, mainly people that are going to go through this, they’re watching this and maybe tomorrow, maybe ten years from now, this is going to happen to someone and like I said before, you don’t ever think it’s going to be you.  It’s not like I can help anybody but, that first morning you don’t think you can go on…Life goes on and you can chose to be a victim or you can do something about it.”

On how her life has changed:
“It’s the small things that will bother me now, like if you hear a friend arguing about something with her husband, or he forgot the eggs at the grocery store, it’s like…‘well, he’s alive.’”

On not having closure:
“No, there’s no closure…he’s still unaccounted for. We know what happened to him, but there’s no body. There’s no cemetery you can go to visit. He’s on the rig, on the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico. How do I take the boys to go see their daddy? Right now whenever I want to talk him, I just talk to him; I find that therapeutic even though people think I’m crazy.”

On her last goodbye with her husband:
“There’s a window at the front of our house….and that’s the window I watched him drive away normally, after him going [to work] at 2 in the morning, it’s like ‘ok, see ya.’  At first you would get up and walk him out, then after years you just got used to it.  But this time I got up, something told me to get up, and I got up and gave him a kiss…then I followed him to the fridge where he made his ice water and I gave him a hug and a kiss and I followed him and waited for the garage to go up. And I went to the window and I watched him drive away and I just started crying and I didn’t know why, I t thought I was hormonal because I was 9 months pregnant…”

On the pressure to preserve memories for her children:
“It’s just so overwhelming. I feel like I’ve got to write down every story or any funny thing, or get a safety deposit box to put the videos in. What do I do with the pictures? And I know it’s going to come in time, but I feel like there’s this tremendous pressure not to forget something…I have stuff from the memorial; they sent me ribbons, they sent this banner with his face on it, a bronzed hard hat, it’s like, what do you do with all this stuff?”

So, what do you think? Are you going to watch The Nate Berkus Show with Michelle Jones?

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Photo Credit: Sony Pictures Television

