thekilling-cancelled-renewed-netflixClosure for The Killing? The show already cheated cancellation twice and twice it came back, and now, it will end in a planned fashion, with six more episodesthat will be produced by and for Netflix, as the streaming company decided to bring back from cancellation The Killing for season four.
AMC had cancelled The Killing a few months back, but now,the decision to renew The Killing,done by Netflix is easily explained.

A highly serialized format works quite well on the streaming format, and the first three seasons of The Killing are doing great on Netflix, and they want to keep those customers happy and give them a proper ending for the show.

“The rich, serialized storytelling in The Killing thrives on Netflix, and we believe that it is only fitting to give Sarah Linden and Stephen Holder a proper send off,” said Cindy Holland, vice president of original content for Netflix in a statement. “We are looking forward to offering fans — both existing and new — a series that we know is perfectly suited for on-demand viewing.”

What do you think? Are you happy The Killing got renewed? Let me know in the comments section. Follow me on Twitter for more scoop or check the complete and updatable lists of renewed shows of 2013 and cancelled shows of 2013.

