whiplash-oscars-editingEditing a film is a big part of the final product, when we see a “Director´s Cut” we notice it´s rarely even close to the final product, a good/ bad edition can make or break a show or a film. These nominees certainly helped the cause of their movies:
Joel Cox and Gary D. Roach for American Sniper, Sandra Adair for Boyhood, Barney Pilling for The Grand Budapest Hotel, William Goldenberg for The Imitation Game and Tom Cross for Whiplash.

Benedict Cumberbatch and Naomi Watts were on the stage as presenters, and I really thought they should´ve let them improvise… as two of the best actors of their generation seemed contrite.
And the Oscar goes to… Tom Cross for Whiplash, making it its third Academy Award; a very successful film so far.

What do you think? Are you happy Whiplash won the Academy Award 2015 for Best Film Editing? Head to the comments and discuss. And follow me on Twitter for more live coverage.

